Session for Beginners
Session for Experts
Highlight Session
Session for young Cardiologist
Multi-Persona of Constrctive Pericarditis Chairperson: Jae-Kwan Song/ Ulsan Univ., Eun Joo Cho / Catholic Univ. |
09:00-09:15 | Postoperative Constrictive Physiology: Is It Really OK? | Kyung-Hee Kim / Incheon Sejong Hosp. |
09:15-09:30 | Constrictive Pericaricarditis in Malignant Disease | So Ree Kim / Korea Univ. |
09:30-09:45 | Tuberulous Constrictive Pericarditis: Reversible or Not | Sung-A Chang / Sungkyunkwan Univ. |
09:45-10:00 | Constrictive Pericarditis - Who Is the Winner: Echo vs Cath | Kyunghee Lim / Donga Univ. |
10:00-10:20 | Panel Discussion | Jeong-Sook Seo / Inje Univ. Hyo-Suk Ahn / Catholic Univ. Sun Hack Lee / Pusan National Univ. |
Coffee Break Chairperson: |
Echocardiography Outside the Echo-laboratory Chairperson: Wan-Joo Shim / Seoul Central Medical Clinic, Kye-Hun Kim / Chonnam National Univ. |
10:50-11:05 | ER: Initial Assessment of Critically Ill Patients Using Echocardiography at ER | You-Jung Choi / Korea Univ. |
11:05-11:20 | Cath Lab & CCU: Catching Post-Procedure Complications and Monitoring at ICU | Hyoung-Won Cho / Seoul National Univ. |
11:20-11:35 | OR: Intraoperative TEE during Cardiovascular Surgery | Yun Seok Jeon / Seoul National Univ. |
11:35-11:50 | Tips and Tricks of Echo-Guided Pericardiocentesis | Ji Won Seo / Yonsei Univ. |
11:50-12:10 | Panel Discussion | Minkwan Kim / Yonsei Univ. Jeong Hun Seo / Kangwon National Univ. |
Luncheon Session (3) 한국화이자제약 Chairperson: Yong-Jin Kim / Seoul National Univ. |
12:20-12:50 | Suspecting and Diagnosing ATTR Amyloidosis in Clinical Practice | Inki Moon / Soonchunhyang Univ. |
12:50-13:20 | Recent Advances in Treatment of ATTR Amyloidosis | Seung-Ah Lee / Ulsan Univ. |
How to Diagnose Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy in Systemic Disease Chairperson: Mi-Seung Shin / Gachon Univ., Kee Sik Kim / Daegu Catholic Univ. |
13:20-13:35 | Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: the Role of Endomyocardial Biopsy and Cardiac Imaging | Ju-Hee Lee / Chungbuk National Univ. |
13:35-13:50 | Myocarditis in the Era of COVID-19 | Kye-Hun Kim / Chonnam National Univ. |
13:50-14:05 | Clinical Manifestation of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Associated Myocarditis | Woo-Baek Chung / Catholic Univ. |
14:05-14:20 | Cardiac Involvement of Autoimmune Disease | Dong Heon Yang / Kyungpook National Univ. |
14:20-14:40 | Panel Discussion | Seonhwa Lee / Keimyung Univ. Jeong-Eun Yi / Catholic Univ. You-Jung Choi / Korea Univ. |
Coffee Break Chairperson: |
How to Image Problems in Replaced or Repaired Valves Chairperson: Shung Chull Chae / Kyungpook National Univ., Seongwoo Han / Hallym Univ. |
15:10-15:25 | Pannus, Thrombus, Vegetation or a Complex in Mechanical Valves | Kyu Kim / Yonsei Univ. |
15:25-15:40 | Paravalvular Leakage in Mechanical Valve | Jah Yeon Choi / Korea Univ. |
15:40-15:55 | Leaflet Thrombosis vs. Structural Degeneration in Bioprosthetic Valves | Hyun Jung Koo / Ulsan Univ. |
15:55-16:10 | Mitral Regurgitation after Surgical or Transcatheter MV Repair | Eun Kyoung Kim / Sungkyunkwan Univ. |
16:10-16:30 | Panel Discussion | Soo-Jin Kim / Kosin Univ. Hyun Jung Lee / Seoul National Univ. Kang-Un Choi / Yeungnam Univ. |